
Peter is passionate about empowering people to chase their dreams to change the world. Peter distinguished himself as a leader in the corporate world from a young age, he has a strong leadership and management record of high performance across a range of industries. After decades in the corporate sector chasing the dollar, faster cars, bigger houses, and flash clothes, Peter travelled to a community in rural South Africa that had been devastated by AIDS. Sitting on a dirt floor under a thatched roof, Peter had an epiphany that there must be more to life. Born was Peter’s mantra #MAD – Make A Difference. His journey evolved as he began working with communities that face far greater challenges than he ever imagined. Combining his business acumen and these seminal experiences, Peter founded PAN with a firm belief in the impact business can have in creating positive change in the world.

“PAN is not an investment firm but a way of thinking that challenges paradigms and the conventional norms of business.”


Nick is a no-nonsense bloke who likes getting stuck into the numbers and making businesses great again. Nick seems to have a photographic memory of every business he’s been involved in, and has never met a balance sheet he didn’t like. His innate ability to find EBIT where there seemingly is none has seen him nail operations across a wide range of industries. He prides himself on these insights, and being able to accurately assess the financial health of current and future ventures.

Nick started his career as an auditor, but it didn’t take long before he got fed up with Corporate Australia and joined Peter on his journey to start PAN. Now, he loves maximising the potential of PAN’s investments, and proving that with the right management team, the right people, and the right idea – there is no limit.


With a background in nutritional science, Kelsie’s love of learning is evident in her drive to find the next great idea. Kelsie believes in always questioning for yes to unlock great people and ideas, unpack businesses, understand how they operate and the mountains they must climb to make a difference.

Kelsie has a passion for innovation and research that is tackling food security and other global challenges, with a strong belief in business as the vehicle to make a difference.

Kelsie thrives in a team environment, using a conscientious and structured approach to challenges, whilst developing genuine relationships. An elite athlete who learnt physics from her lounge room, it’s no surprise Kelsie believes the way to get somewhere is to have a crack and back yourself in.


With an eye firmly set on the bigger picture, Jacob believes business is the best vehicle to truly make a difference. This led Jacob to begin his career in a global business where he climbed mountains in finance, supply chain, product management and leading teams through significant change across the Asia Pacific region. Every challenge calmly met with his trademark work ethic and relentless pursuit to achieve outcomes.

Jacob completed an MBA at Oxford University where he worked with multiple start-ups, research projects, and connected with some of the brightest minds at innovation hubs. Jacob engaged with people at the top of their game in various fields from across the globe.

A critical thinker with an innate understanding of business, Jacob’s ability to challenge paradigms has since seen him unlock the potential of PAN businesses to become high performing organisations. He believes people with passion can change the world.


After travelling to Africa at the age of 11, Sam has long been inspired by the belief that we all have the ability to change the world, so long as we are ready to try. This drives Sam’s hunger to find brilliant people with big ideas that will shape our future. Her greatest thrill comes from meeting a dreamer who has identified a problem and has the courage and passion to create the solution all while staying true to their DNA.

Aware of the pure luck that allowed her to be born and raised in a safe and comfortable environment, Sam has tried to make the most of the incredible opportunities and privileges presented to her. Sam believes the question is always more powerful than the answer. She’s committed to always asking questions in her journey to #MAD and Puka Up.


Originally from France, Bart had the eye-opening experience of relocating to Australia at the age of 9 with his family, which instilled in him a unique perspective and fuelled his enduring optimism and curiosity. Bart has recently completed a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne. His passion for global exposure led him to spend a semester at the University of Florida in the USA, further broadening his horizons.

Bart firmly believes in the transformative power of business to empower and unleash humanity’s greatest inventions. He is dedicated to leveraging the great minds involved at PAN to continuously improve his abilities. Bart is convinced that fostering his curiosity, critical thinking, and grasp of fundamental business principles will enable him to help build great businesses across any industry. Bart is driven by a strong desire to leverage his skills and knowledge to make a meaningful difference in the business world.